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SDHC Board Meetings

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SDHC Calendar

Viewing the Meeting

The public may view and listen to the San Diego Housing Commission (Housing Commission) Board of Commissioners (Board) meetings through livestreaming on the Housing Commission’s website. Click on “Video” for the meeting date shown below, or click on “Watch the Video” near the bottom of the Housing Commission Board page on the website:

The San Diego Housing Commission (Housing Commission) Board of Commissioners meets in person. Members of the public who wish to provide Non-Agenda Public Comments or comments on items on the agenda should attend the meeting in person and complete and submit a written speaker slip on the day of the meeting before the item on which they wish to speak is called. Public Comments may also be submitted in writing, as described at the end of the agenda.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires accommodations for individuals with disabilities. These may include making agenda information available in other formats and disability-related modifications or accommodations needed to help with meeting participation—including different ways to see meetings and offer public comment. To request accommodations, please contact the Housing Commission’s Communications and Government Relations Division at (619) 578-7550 (voice), (619) 398-2440 (TTY) or by email at Please submit your request at least three business days before the date of the Housing Commission Board of Commissioners meeting. The Housing Commission is committed to resolving accessibility requests quickly to maximize accessibility.

Public comments may be made in any language. The Housing Commission may be able to provide services to translate public comment into English. To request translation services, contact the Housing Commission’s Communications and Government Relations Division at (619) 578-7550 (voice), (619) 398-2440 (TTY) or by email at Please submit your request at least three business days before the date of the Housing Commission Board of Commissioners meeting. The Housing Commission is committed to addressing language translation requests quickly to maximize public participation.

Los comentarios públicos pueden ser en cualquier idioma. La Comisión de Vivienda podría brindar servicios de traducción al inglés. Para solicitar servicio de traducción, póngase en contacto con el Departamento de Comunicaciones y Relaciones Gubernamentales de la Comisión de Vivienda al (619) 578-7550 (voz), (619) 398-2440 (TTY) o por email a Favor de hacer su solicitud con por lo menos tres días laborales de anticipación antes de la fecha de la sesión de la Mesa Directiva de la Comisión de Vivienda. La Comisión de Vivienda se compromete a responder a las solicitudes de traducción rápidamente para maximizar la participación pública.

Công chúng có thể đóng góp ý kiến bằng bất kỳ ngôn ngữ nào. Ủy Ban Gia Cư có thể cung cấp dịch vụ thông dịch các ý kiến của công chúng sang tiếng Anh. Để yêu cầu dịch vụ thông dịch, xin liên hệ Phòng Truyền Thông và Quan Hệ Chính Quyền của Ủy Ban Gia Cư theo số (619) 578-7550 (thoại), (619) 398-2440 (TTY) hoặc bằng email tại Vui lòng gửi yêu cầu của quý vị ít nhất ba ngày làm việc trước ngày họp Hội Đồng Ủy Viên của Ủy Ban Gia Cư. Ủy Ban Gia Cư cam kết nhanh chóng đáp ứng các yêu cầu thông dịch ngôn ngữ để tăng cường tối đa sự tham gia của công chúng.

Maaaring gawin sa anumang wika ang mga pampublikong komento. Maaaring makapagbigay ang Komisyon sa Pabahay (Housing Commission) ng mga serbisyo upang isalin ang pampublikong komento sa Ingles. Upang humiling ng mga serbisyo sa pagsasalin, makipag-ugnayan sa Dibisyon ng Komunikasyon at Ugnayan ng Pamahalaan ng Komisyon sa Pabahay sa (619) 578-7550 (voice), (619) 398-2440 (TTY) o sa pamamagitan ng email sa Mangyaring isumite ang iyong kahilingan nang hindi bababa sa tatlong araw ng negosyo bago ang petsa ng pagpupulong ng Lupon ng mga Komisyonado ng Komisyon sa Pabahay. Ang Komisyon sa Pabahay ay nakatuon sa pagtugon sa mga kahilingan sa pagsasalin ng wika nang mabilis upang mapakinabangan ang pakikilahok ng publiko.

您可以使用任何語言發表公眾意見。 「住房委員會」可以提供翻譯服務將公眾意見譯成英文。如要申請翻譯服務,請致電(619) 578-7550(語音)、(619) 398-2440(TTY),或發送電郵至 SDHCdocketinfo@sdhc.org聯繫「住房委員會-通訊和政府關系部」。請於「住房委員會理事會」會議召開前至少三個工作日提交該申請。「住房委員會」會確保盡快受理語言翻譯請求,以最大限度提高公眾的參與度。

공공 의견은 어떤 언어로도 제공하실 수 있습니다. 주택위원회(Housing Commission)는 공공 의견을 영어로 번역해드리는 서비스를 제공할 수 있습니다. 번역 서비스를 요청하시려면, (619) 578-7550(음성), (619) 398-2440(TTY) 또는 이메일 SDHCdocketinfo@sdhc.org로 주택위원회의 커뮤니케이션 및 정부 관계 부서(Communications and Government Relations Division)로 연락해주십시오. 번역 서비스 요청은 주택위원회 감독관 위원회(Board of Commissioners) 회의 날짜로부터 최소한 영업일 삼 일 이전에 제출해주시기 바랍니다. 주택위원회는 대중의 참여를 최대화할 수 있SDHCdocketinfo@sdhc.org도록 언어 번역 요청에 최대한 신속하게 대처해드릴 것을 약속합니다.

نظرات عمومی می‌توانند به هر زبانی باشند. «کمیسیون مسکن» ممکن است بتواند خدماتی برای ترجمه نظرات عمومی به انگلیسی ارائه دهد. برای درخواست خدمات ترجمه، با «بخش ارتباطات و روابط دولتی کمیسیون مسکن» به شماره 7550-578 (619) (صوتی)، (TTY) 398-2440 (619) یا از طریق آدرس ایمیل تماس بگیرید. لطفاً درخواست خود را حداقل سه روز کاری قبل از تاریخ جلسه «اعضای هیئت کمیسیون مسکن» ارسال کنید. در راستای حداکثرسازی مشارکت عمومی، «کمیسیون مسکن» متعهد است به درخواست‌های ترجمه زبان سریعاً رسیدگی کند.

يمكن تقديم التعليقات العامة بأي لغة. قد تتمكن لجنة الإسكان من تقديم خدمات لترجمة التعليقات العامة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية. لطلب خدمات الترجمة، يُرجى التواصل مع قسم الاتصالات والعلاقات الحكومية التابع للجنة على الرقم (619) 578-7550 (صوتيًا) أو (619) 398-2440 (المراسلة النصية) أو عبر البريد الإلكتروني على يُرجى تقديم طلبك قبل ثلاثة أيام عمل على الأقل من تاريخ اجتماع مجلس مفوضي لجنة الإسكان. تلتزم لجنة الإسكان بمعالجة طلبات ترجمة اللغة بسرعة لتحقيق أقصى قدر من المشاركة العامة.


Members of the public shall be given the opportunity to address the San Diego Housing Commission (Housing Commission) Board of Commissioners (Board). The Housing Commission Board Chair may reduce the amount of time available to each speaker to appropriately manage the meeting and ensure the Housing Commission Board has time to consider all the agenda items. A member of the public may only provide one comment per agenda item.

In-Person Comment on Agenda Items
Each speaker must fill out a written request (speaker slip) at the meeting at which the speaker wishes to speak, indicating which item they wish to speak on. Speaker slips may not be turned in before the day of the meeting or after the in-person testimony.

Speakers will be called up to approach the podium and will be asked to state who they are representing if they represent an organization or another person.

For discussion and information items, each speaker may speak up to three minutes. The Housing Commission Board Chair may change this for meeting management purposes. The Housing Commission Board Chair may also limit organized group presentations of five or more persons to 15 minutes or less.

Non-Agenda Public Comment
Every agenda for a Housing Commission Board meeting shall provide time on the agenda for members of the public to address the Housing Commission Board on items that are not on the agenda but are within the Housing Commission Board’s jurisdiction. To ensure that the Housing Commission Board has time to consider all agenda items, Non-Agenda Public Comment will be as follows:

Each speaker will be limited to three minutes.

Speakers may not give their time to other speakers.

If there are eight or more speakers on a single issue, the maximum time for the issue will be 24 minutes.

The speaking order generally will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis. However, priority may be given to speakers who did not provide public comment during Non-Agenda Public Comment at the last regularly scheduled Housing Commission Board meeting.

A member of the public may only provide one non-agenda comment per agenda.

Each speaker who wishes to address the Housing Commission Board must fill out a written request (speaker slip) at the meeting at which the speaker wishes to speak. Speaker slips may not be turned in before the meeting date or after completion of in-person testimony.

Speakers will be called up to approach the podium and will be asked to state who they are representing if they represent an organization or another person.

Written Public Comment

Public Comments may also be submitted using the webform. Comments received by 4 p.m. the business day before the Housing Commission Board meeting date will be distributed to the Housing Commission Board members and posted the Housing Commission’s website with the meeting materials. All webform comments are limited to 1,250 characters (approximately 200 words). If you have an attachment to your comment, you may send it to, and it will be distributed to the Housing Commission Board members. Comments received after 4 p.m. on the business day before the meeting date will be submitted into the written record for the relevant item.

U.S. Mail
Instead of submitting written comments through the webform, you may submit by U.S. mail. Please include on your written comments whether you are submitting Non-Agenda Public Comment or which Agenda item your comments relate to. Mail your comments to: San Diego Housing Commission, Communication and Government Relations Division, Attention Scott Marshall, 1122 Broadway, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92101. Materials submitted by U.S. Mail must be received no later than one business day before the meeting to be distributed to the Housing Commission Board Members. Comments received by U.S. Mail after one business day before the meeting will be submitted into the written record for the relevant item.

Drop-off at Housing Commission Offices
Instead of submitting written comments through the webform or by U.S. mail, you may hand-deliver written comments to the Housing Commission’s offices by leaving them with the reception desk on the first floor at 1122 Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101. Office hours are weekdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., except for alternating Fridays, as shown on the Housing Commission’s website at Please include on your written comments whether you are submitting Non-Agenda Public Comment or which Agenda item your comments relate to. Please also write, “Housing Commission Board of Commissioners Public Comment,” “Attention: Scott Marshall, Communications and Government Relations,” and the meeting date.

Meeting Video

The public may view Housing Commission Board meetings through the livestreaming video link provided on the Housing Commission’s website for the specific meeting date. Click “Video” beside the Agenda for the meeting date at

February 14, 2025

Agenda / Video

Report by the President and CEO Presentation

January 17, 2025, Regular Meeting Minutes

Approved 7-0

Item 100    HCR25-007     Fiscal Year 2026 Moving to Work Annual Plan Approval


Approved 7-0

Item 101    HCR25-011     Approval of an Operating Agreement Between the San Diego Housing Commission and Catholic Charities, Diocese of San Diego to Operate the Rachel’s Promise Center for Women and Children at 733 Eighth Ave., San Diego, CA 92104


Approved 7-0

Item 102   HCR25-013 Actions Establishing President & Chief Executive Officer Compensation for Period of December 13, 2024, through December 12, 2025, as recommended by the Ad Hoc CEO Performance Evaluation Committee of the San Diego Housing Commission Board of Commissioners

Approved 7-0

Informational Reports

HCR25-006     Agency Financial Statements – First Quarter Fiscal Year 2025 (Unaudited)

HCR25-010 Multifamily Bond Program – Annual Status Report Calendar Year 2024

January 17, 2025

Agenda / Video / Minutes

Report by the President and CEO Presentation

November 22, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes

December 18, 2024, Special Meeting Minutes


Approved 5-0

Item 100  HCR25-002   Authorize a Drainage Easement at Valley Vista Apartments


Approved 5-0


Item 101   HCR25-005  Application for State of California CalHome Program Funds


Approved 5-0

HCR25-003 Fiscal Year 2026 Moving to Work Annual Plan

HCR25-004 Status of Loan Portfolio – Fiscal Year 2025 First Quarter