Landlord Partnership Program
The San Diego Housing Commission’s (SDHC) Landlord Partnership Program (LPP) provides financial and support incentives to landlords who rent to families who receive federal rental assistance through the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program administered by SDHC.
Landlords are essential partners of SDHC’s federal rental assistance program, which helps more than 15,000 low-income households in the City of San Diego. LPP aims to increase the appeal of landlord participation in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.
The SDHC Landlord Services Unit holds monthly seminars for landlords interested in learning more about the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.
For additional information about LPP, please contact or 619-578-7131.
Upcoming Seminars:
Landlord Seminar
Thursday, March 13th, 2025
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Zoom Webinar
Landlords who participate in LPP may be eligible for the following incentives:
Incentive Payments
Upon Housing Assistance Payment contract execution and tenant move-in, SDHC will disburse $500 for each rental unit rented to a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher household. Incentive Payments are eligible for initial leases and Housing Assistance Payment contracts effective August 1, 2019, and after.
Landlord Assurance Fund
Reimburses landlords up to $5,000 to help cover repair expenses that are in excess of normal wear and tear and rent due that exceed the security deposit as a result of tenant move-out.
Assurance Fund Guidelines:
- Assurance Fund payments are only eligible for initial leases and Housing Assistance Payment contracts effective August 1, 2019, and after.
- Landlords must submit the application within 30 days of the tenant vacating the unit and/or landlord retaking possession of the rental unit.
- Maximum reimbursement amount is $5,000 in excess of the security deposit.
- Landlords can access assurance funds only within first two years of new tenancy.
- SDHC must conduct an on-site inspection to verify the damages with the Landlord or Property Manager.
- SDHC will issue an application status letter to inform the Landlord of the outcome of their application.
- Assurance Fund payments may not be an exact reimbursement for costs associated with the tenant move-out.
- Assurance Fund payments do not constitute a confirmation that the tenant caused damages and/or is delinquent paying rent.
By submitting an application, I agree with the Program Guidelines and the Application Acknowledgment Page.
Move Flexibility Allowance
In cases when there is a delay in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher tenant vacating a subsidized unit to move into a new unit, the landlord may request up to an additional five days of Housing Assistance Payment overlap to ensure neither landlord is harmed in the process. Landlords can apply for this incentive by contacting the housing assistant assigned to the tenant that is vacating the subsidized unit.
Mobility Counseling Program
An SDHC Mobility Counselor assists with pre- and post-moving counseling, housing search assistance, and guidance about neighborhood features for families moving to Choice or Enterprise Communities within SDHC’s Choice Communities Initiative.
Mobility Counselors support families and landlords in the move process to ensure timely lease-ups.
For additional information, contact the SDHC Mobility Counselor at (619) 578-7131 or
Security Deposit Loan Assistance
Families moving to Choice or Enterprise Communities through SDHC’s Choice Communities Initiative are eligible for no-interest security deposit loans up to the payment standards for the area for their voucher size.
For additional information, contact the SDHC Mobility Counselor at (619) 578-7131 or