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Rent Affordability Calculator

The San Diego Housing Commission’s (SDHC) Rent Affordability Calculator helps tenants and landlords determine whether a household with federal Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance can afford a specific rental housing unit in the City of San Diego.

SDHC provides a “Max Rent Notice Form” along with the Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) packet to the rental assistance participant. To help complete the Rent Affordability Calculator form, please refer to the “Max Rent Notice Form.”

The results of the SDHC Rent Affordability Calculator are not guaranteed. SDHC is required to evaluate the proposed rent to determine whether or not the rent requested by the landlord meets maximum affordability rent thresholds for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance household.

After the RFTA is reviewed, SDHC will send a lease approval letter to the landlord, confirming the contract rent of the rental unit.

Important Information:

  • If you lease a unit that has fewer bedrooms than the Assigned Voucher Size, the payment standard for the smaller number of bedrooms will be used to calculate the maximum rent the tenant can afford.
  • Calculations cannot be applied to mobile home units, shared housing units or mixed households.
  • Payment standards, utility allowances, and community designations are subject to change.


Maximum Rent Household Can Afford:
Payment Standard:

This prospective tenant is for the requested rent based on the information provided.

Household Annual Income Image