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July 14, 2011

Moving to Work (MTW) Public Hearing

The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) announces its intent to solicit public comment on its proposed amendment to the Fiscal Year 2010 Moving to Work (MTW) Annual Plan. The MTW program is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) program allowing high performing housing authorities to make program and policy changes to (1) increase the housing choices of low-income families, (2) help residents achieve self-sufficiency, and (3) increase the cost effectiveness of federal housing programs.

Two initiatives are being amended to include the following policies:  For non-elderly/non-disabled household, interim rent reductions will only be implemented if the household rent will be decreased by 20% or more and the reduction is through no fault of the household’s; and payment standards may be set at below 90% of the Fair Market Rents (FMRs) provided the leasing success rate remains at 80% or above.

Interested persons are invited to view the “FY2010 MTW Amendment Draft” on the SDHC website beginning July 15, 2011. SDHC will hold a Public Hearing to receive and review comments regarding the draft MTW proposal on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. at the SDHC office located at 1122 Broadway.

Written comments regarding the MTW policy/program proposals can be submitted by mail prior to August 15, 2011 to the following address:  SDHC/MTW, 1122 Broadway Suite 300, San Diego, California, 92101 Attn: Jennifer Kelly.

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