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Community Action Plan Overview


By working creatively and collaboratively, the City of San Diego will build a client-centered homeless assistace system that aims to prevent homelessness, and that quickly creates a path to safe and affordable housing and services for people who experience homelessness in our community.

Comunity Action Plan Cover

Guiding Principles

  • System partners must rely on a set of principles to guide policy and funding decisions and build community cohesion.
  • Be accountable.
  • Develop creative and new housing options.
  • Value the voices of people with lived experience.
  • Improve service and options to people experiencing homelessness through evidence-based approaches.
  • Make data-driven decisions and create transparency.
  • Communicate and collaborate more effectively and frequently.
  • Build capacity.
  • Create positive momentum.
  • Remove politics from decision-making about homelessness.

Recommended Actions

  • Advance high impact solutions. Developing long-term housing takes time. Aggressive measures must be taken now, and the system needs to be flexible over time to meet changing needs and circumstances.
  • Support strong leadership. Creation of a city-wide leadership council and project manager to keep progress on track.
  • Invest in new housing and service options. Increase temporary crisis response solutions while also investing in permanent long-term units.
  • Quickly address key issues. Address items needing immediate attention including adding behavioral health resources, outreach coordination, utilization of vouchers and appropriately  staff entities implementing this plan.

Permanent Housing Needs

  • 5,416 permanent housing opportunities needed over the next 10 years for individuals and families experiencing homelessness:
    • New rehabilitated supportive housing
    • Supportive housing leased in the private rental market
    • Rapid rehousing rental assistance with services for one year
    • Low-income housing rental assistance with services for three years
    • Homelessness diversion assistance
    • Estimated cost: Approximately $1.9 million over 10 years
  • Potential funding sources could include:
    • City bond measures to create funding for homelessness services and new supportive housing
    • State homeless assistance funding
    • Federal HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds, Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance dedicated to addressing homelessness, and public housing units
  • Resources for services, including coordination with the County of San Diego
  • City funds, such as Affordable Housing Fund, City General Fund, or Special fees
  • Private philanthropy

Crisis Response Actions

  • 350-500 new crisis response beds or services needed to meet the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness and the estimated annual inflow into emergency shelters.
  • Estimated cost: Approximately $2.2 million per 100 new beds in annual operating cost.
  • Potential additional capital costs if new Sprung structures are needed for shelters.
  • The plan includes five actions for meeting the crisis response need for single individuals and three actions for meeting the need for families.