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Housing Authority Meetings

Joining the Webinar and Offering Phone-in Testimony

Members of the public may participate in Housing Authority meetings in person or virtually using the Zoom Webinar platform. Members of the public can offer public comment on agendized items or during Non-Agenda Public Comment by accessing the meeting online using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or Smartphone, or by calling into the meeting using a Smartphone, cellular phone, or land line. To raise your hand via a phone-in please press *9 and unmute when the Clerk calls on you by pressing *6. If you are participating via the webinar platform please press the raise your hand icon and the unmute button when prompted.

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

To join by telephone: Dial 1-669-254 5252

When prompted, input Webinar ID: 160 730 3719#


Pursuant to the Brown Act, California Government Code Section 54957.5(b), late-arriving documents related to Housing Authority meeting agenda items which are distributed to the legislative body prior to and during the Council meeting are available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Information Services Counter in the Lobby of the City Administration Building, 202 C Street, San Diego, CA 92101.  This relates to those documents received after the agenda is publicly noticed and during the 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting. Please note:  Approximately one hour prior to the start of the Council Meeting, the documents will be available just outside Council Chambers in the lobby of the 12th floor of the City Administration Building in a binder labeled “Late Arriving Materials.” Late-arriving materials received during the City Council meeting are available for review by making a verbal request of City Clerk staff located in Council Chambers.


As required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), requests for agenda information to be made available in alternative formats, and any requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations required to facilitate meeting participation, including requests for alternatives to observing meetings and offering public comment as noted above, may be made by contacting the City Clerk at (619) 533-4000 or The City is committed to resolving accessibility requests swiftly in order to maximize accessibility.

Requests for translation services to offer public comment may be made by contacting the City Clerk at (619) 533-4000 or email to: . The City is committed to addressing language translation requests swiftly in order to maximize public participation. For more information on how to participate and comment on an issue at Housing Authority meetings, click this link:


How to Speak to a Particular Item or during Non-Agenda Public Comment:

Members of the public shall be given the opportunity to address the Housing Authority. The Council President may determine the number of speakers on an agenda item or reduce the amount of time available to each speaker to appropriately manage the meeting and ensure the Housing Authority has time to consider all the agenda items. A member of the public may only provide one comment per agenda item.

In-Person Comment on Agenda Items

Each speaker must file a written request (speaker slip) with the City Clerk at the meeting at which the speaker wishes to speak indicating which item they wish to speak on. Speaker slips may not be turned in prior to the day of the meeting or after completion of in-person testimony. In-person testimony will conclude before virtual testimony begins.

Each person who wishes to address the Housing Authority shall approach the podium and state who they are representing if they represent an organization or another person.

Each speaker may speak up to three minutes, subject to the Council President’s determination of the time available for meeting management purposes, in addition to any time ceded by other members of the public who are present at the meeting and have submitted a speaker slip ceding them time. These speaker slips should be submitted together at one time to the City Clerk. The Council President may also limit organized group presentations of five or more persons to 15 minutes or less.

Virtual Public Comment on Agenda Items

Members of the public may participate virtually (by telephone or internet streaming) as indicated below. Speakers who wish to provide virtual public comment must enter the virtual queue by raising their virtual hands before the queue closes. The queue will close when the last virtual speaker finishes speaking or five minutes after in-person testimony ends, whichever happens first.

Each speaker may speak up to three minutes, subject to the Council President’s determination of the time available for meeting management purposes. Speakers participating virtually may not allocate their time to other speakers and may not share video or visual aids (i.e. pdf, ppt, docs) during their comment period.

Quasi-Judicial Items. Organized group presentations for quasi-judicial items will be allowed up to 15 minutes per side to speak either for or against an item for a total of 30 minutes. If more than one group on the same side requests an organized presentation, the 15 minutes will be divided between each group for that side.  Please contact the Project Manager as listed as the primary contact on the staff report for that item to indicate your desire to present.

Non-Agenda Public Comment

Every agenda for a regular Housing Authority meeting shall provide a period on the agenda for members of the public to address the Housing Authority on items of interest to the public that are not on the agenda but are within the jurisdiction of the Housing Authority. Non-Agenda Public Comment shall be subject to the exercise of the Council President’s discretion for a given agenda.

In order to ensure that the Housing Authority has time to consider all agenda items, Non-Agenda Public Comment on particular issues and for each individual speaker will be as follows:

Each speaker will be limited to two minutes. Speakers may not allocate their time to other speakers. If there are eight or more speakers on a single issue, the maximum time for the issue will be 16 minutes. The order of speaking generally will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis, however, priority may be given to speakers who have not addressed the legislative body during Non-Agenda Public Comment at the last regularly scheduled Housing Authority meeting. A member of the public may only provide one non-agenda comment per agenda.

If providing comment in person, please submit your speaker slip and any visual aids to the City Clerk. In-person testimony shall conclude before virtual testimony begins.

Speakers who wish to provide virtual Non-Agenda Public Comment must enter the virtual queue by raising their virtual hands before the queue closes. The queue will close when the last virtual speaker finishes speaking or five minutes after in-person testimony ends, whichever happens first. Those participating virtually may not share video or visual aids (i.e. pdf, ppt, docs) during their non-agenda comment period.

Comment on Agenda Items and Non-Agenda Public Comment may also be submitted using the webform indicating the comment type and  item number (if relevant) for which you wish to submit your comment. Comments received by 8:00 AM the day of the meeting will be distributed to the Housing Authority and posted online with the meeting materials. All webform comments are limited to 500 words but may include attachments. Comments received after 8:00 AM the day of the meeting but before the item is called will be submitted into the written record for the relevant item. 

Written Materials. Instead of submitting written materials as an attachment to the webform you may submit via U.S. Mail to the City Clerk’s attention at 202 C Street, MS2A San Diego, CA 92101. Materials submitted via U.S. Mail must be received one business day prior to the meeting to be distributed to the Housing Authority.  Comments received via U.S. Mail on the day of the meeting will be submitted into the written record for the relevant item.


The public may view the meetings on public television (within the City of San Diego only) on City TV Channel 24 for Cox Communications and Spectrum or Channel 99 for AT&T U-Verse, or view the meetings online (link is external)

March 18, 2025


February 11, 2025, Housing Authority Regular Meeting Minutes 

Approved 8-0

Item 1:   Informational Report from the Housing Authority Executive Director


Item 2:  HAR25-003   Actions Establishing the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) President and Chief Executive Officer’s Compensation for the Period of December 13, 2024, through December 12, 2025, as recommended by the SDHC Board of Commissioners

Approved 6-2

Item 3:  Settlement of Patrice Baker et al v. City of San Diego, et al, United States District Court Case No: 3:19-cv-1013-JO (DEB), Claim No. 22699

Approved 8-0

February 11, 2025

Agenda / Minutes

January 13, 2025, Housing Authority Special Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2025, Housing Authority Regular Meeting Minutes
January 27, 2025, Housing Authority Special Meeting Minutes

Approved 6-0

Item 1: Informational Report from the Housing Authority Executive Director


Item 2: HAR25-001 Application for State of California CalHome Program Funds

Approved 7-0


January 27, 2025

Special Meeting Agenda / Council President’s Memo / Minutes

January 14, 2025

Agenda / Minutes

December 17, 2024, Housing Authority Regular Meeting Minutes

Approved 8-0

Item 1 Informational Report from the Housing Authority Executive Director


January 13, 2025

Special Meeting Agenda / Council President’s Memo / Minutes