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Digital Inclusion Project

  • SDHC launched a Digital Inclusion Project on February 9, 2021, to help address the “digital divide” between households with access to technology and the internet and those who do not have access. The “digital divide” adversely affects households with low income and reflects inequities in the abilities of these households to access the internet.
  • Several initiatives were completed under this project, such as offering digital literacy trainings to SDHC residents and clients, providing Digital Equity Resource Fairs, and donating equipment to residents, clients, and consumers.
  • This is a collaborative effort between external stakeholders and internal SDHC departments, including Equity Assurance, Information Technology, Workforce Development, and Real Estate.

SDHC is expanding its community engagement.

  • PublicInput community engagement platform.
    • SDHC launched “Share with Us” to request and obtain comments and feedback from the community.
    • SDHC established pages on its community engagement platform, PublicInput, to facilitate public comments about the City of San Diego Affordable Housing Fund Annual Plan, SDHC’s Moving to Work Annual Plan and SDHC Section 8 Administrative Plan.
  • Expanded translation services to a total of seven languages in SDHC’s Language Access Plan
  • SDHC staff made presentations about the City of San Diego Affordable Housing Plan to Community Planning Groups and hosted a citywide video conference meeting to obtain public comments.

Embedding equity and inclusion throughout SDHC policies and practices.

  • Equity and Inclusion are embedded in SDHC’s Strategic Plan.
  • Equity and Inclusion are included in the evaluation criteria for SDHC’s Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Requests for Qualifications (RFQs).
  • Affordable Housing Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs) include equity and inclusion requirements and provide bonus points for partnering with small, emerging developers. This was a collaborative effort between the SDHC Equity Assurance Department, Real Estate Division and Procurement Department.
  • SDHC’s staff reports to the SDHC Board of Commissioners are required to include a section about Equal Opportunity Contracting and Equity Assurance.
  • Equity and inclusion trainings for staff are ongoing.

Ongoing Equity Lens Reviews of SDHC Programs and Policies

  • The Equity Assurance team, with support from a third-party consultant, conducts regular equity lens reviews of SDHC policies and programs. An equity lens review ensures SDHC is inclusive in all decisions, including policies, practices, programs and budgets. The Equity Assurance team analyzes the impact and potential unintended consequences of programs and policies on historically excluded and marginalized households.
  • Equity Lens Reviews that are ongoing and completed include:
    • Rental Assistance Procedures
    • COVID-19 Housing Stability Assistance Program Denied Applications
    • SDHC Administration Regulations
    • Criminal History Screening Policies
    • SDHC Hiring Practices
    • SDHC Hardship and Appeals Policies