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SDHC Board of Commissioners Agenda Comment Form

In lieu of in-person attendance, members of the public may submit their comments about items on the SDHC Board of Commissioners agenda using this public comment form. If you have an attachment to your comment, you may send it to and it will be distributed to the SDHC Commissioners.

Please note: Comments submitted using the public comment form are limited to 1,250 characters (approximately 200 words).

Comments received by 4 p.m. the business day before the SDHC Board of Commissioners meeting date will be distributed to the SDHC Board members and posted on SDHC’s website with the meeting materials. All webform comments are limited to 1,250 characters (approximately 200 words). Comments received after 4 p.m. on the business day before the meeting date will be submitted into the written record for the relevant item.

Items marked with a red asterisk (*) are requested to maintain public records of the comments received. The information provided would allow SDHC to contact you if needed. 

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