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First-Time Homebuyers

How to Apply – Watch the Video

Information for Homebuyers

The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) offers deferred-payment loans and homeownership grants to help low- and moderate-income families buy their first homes.

The SDHC First-Time Homebuyer Low-Income Program* can assist with the purchase of a single-family home, townhome or condominium in the City of San Diego. Eligible buyers earning no more than 80 percent of San Diego’s Area Median Income may qualify for a deferred-payment, second trust deed loan of up to 25 percent of the purchase price, with the interest rate set at 3 percent, and a closing cost assistance grant of up to $10,000.

This program is funded primarily through federal U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HOME Investment Partnerships Program grants to the City of San Diego that are administered by SDHC.

Additional funding sources include federal Community Development Block Grant funds, State CalHome Program funds, and City of San Diego Affordable Housing Funds.

The SDHC First-Time Homebuyer Middle-Income Program* can assist with the purchase of a single-family home, townhome or condominium in the City of San Diego. Eligible buyers earning between 80 percent and 150 percent of San Diego’s Area Median Income may qualify for a $40,000 deferred down-payment assistance loan and a $10,000 closing costs assistance grant.

This program is funded by a grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation through its Wealth Opportunities Realized Through Homeownership (WORTH) program.

Since 1988, SDHC has helped more than 6,100 families and individuals buy their first homes.

*SDHC First-Time Homebuyer Program loans and grants cannot be used in conjunction with the Affordable For-Sale Housing Program.

In addition to City of San Diego, SDHC administers the following other programs for neighboring jurisdictions:

Program Descriptions and Guidelines

Each first-time homebuyer program SDHC administers has different eligibility requirements and features. See the program descriptions and guidelines below.

Applying for the First-Time Homebuyer Programs

  1. Contact a loan officer from our Participating Lender list. The loan officer will be the primary point of contact from pre-approval to loan closing. The loan officer collects all required documentation and submits the application on the borrower’s behalf to SDHC.
  2. Review San Diego’s Area Median Income (AMI) limits to confirm your household annual gross income (before taxes) does not exceed the limit for your family size. This includes the income of all adult household members.
  3. Review the program descriptions and guidelines for the appropriate jurisdiction (e.g., City of San Diego, County of San Diego etc.) found below under Forms and Documents.
  4. Attend a Homebuyer Education Course with an SDHC-approved provider.
  5. Work with a real estate agent to find a property.


City of San Diego Low-Income (<80% AMI) Program (ZIP Codes beginning with 921)
Available Assistance Deferred-payment Loan for down payment: Up to 25% of the purchase price. Not to exceed $125,000.
Grant for closing costs (forgiven): 4% of the purchase price up to $10,000
Interest Rate 3% Simple Interest
Income Limit 80% of San Diego’s Area Median Income
(For forgivable loans for closing costs, the maximum income is 100% of Area Median Income.)
Maximum Purchase Price Attached: $603,250
Detached: $1,030,750
Effective December 2022
Funding Availability
(as of March 1, 2025)
Limited Funding. Remaining funding will be allocated on first come, first served basis.  Applicants must be under contract to apply.
Additional Information Program Guidelines
Additional Terms No payments are required for 30 years, unless the owner sells or no longer occupies the home as a primary residence, at which time the principal balance, including accrued interest, must be repaid.

To qualify, the buyer must obtain a fixed-rate first trust deed loan; have adequate income, a good credit rating; and provide a minimum down payment of 1 percent, and maximum down payment of 20 percent. Applicants also must attend a homebuyer education class and pre-purchase counseling.


City of San Diego Middle-Income (80% to 150% AMI) Program (Zip Codes beginning with 921)
Available Assistance $50,000 Total Assistance: $40,000 deferred, down-payment assistance loan + $10,000 closing costs assistance grant (grant forgiven at end of 3 years if the property remains owner-occupied)
Interest Rate 4% Simple Interest
Income Limit 80 – 150% of San Diego’s Area Median Income – See Program Guidelines
Maximum Purchase Price $999,999
Funding Availability
(as of March 1, 2025)
Funds Available
Additional Information Program Guidelines
Additional Terms The Loan is deferred with no monthly payments required during years 1 through 5. Beginning in year 6, the outstanding principal and interest will be converted to an amortized loan with fixed monthly payments for a period of 120 months. There is no prepayment penalty, and payments can be made at any time.


County of San Diego Low-Income (<80% AMI) Program (12 participating cities and unincorporated areas – See Program Guidelines for specific cities)
Available Assistance Deferred-payment Loan for down payment: Up to 22% of the purchase price
Loan for closing costs: 4% of the purchase price up to $10,000
Interest Rate 3% Simple Interest
Income Limit 80% of San Diego’s Area Median Income
Maximum Purchase Price Attached: $698,000
Detached: $698,000
Effective September 2024
Funding Availability
(as of March 1, 2025)
Funds Available
Additional Information Program Guidelines (Low-Income, 80% AMI)
Additional Terms No payments are required for 30 years, unless the owner sells or no longer occupies the home as a primary residence, at which time the principal balance, including accrued interest, must be repaid.

To qualify, the buyer must obtain a fixed-rate first trust deed loan; have adequate income, a good credit rating; and provide a minimum down payment of 3 percent. Applicants also must attend a homebuyer education class and pre-purchase counseling.


County of San Diego Moderate-Income (80% to 120% AMI) Program (6 participating cities and unincorporated areas – See Program Guidelines for specific cities)
Available Assistance Deferred-payment Loan for down payment: Up to 17% of the purchase price
Loan for closing costs: 4% of the purchase price up to $10,000
Interest Rate 3% Simple Interest
Income Limit 80% – 120% of San Diego’s Area Median Income
Maximum Purchase Price The maximum purchase price is the most recent median sales price for single-family homes / condominiums, in San Diego County, posted at the California Association of Realtors (C.A.R.) website at:
Funding Availability
(as of March 1, 2025)
Funds Available
Additional Information Program Guidelines (Moderate-Income, 80% to 120% AMI)
Additional Terms No payments are required for 30 years, unless the owner sells or no longer occupies the home as a primary residence, at which time the principal balance, including accrued interest, must be repaid.

To qualify, the buyer must obtain a fixed-rate first trust deed loan; have adequate income, a good credit rating; and provide a minimum down payment of 3 percent. Applicants also must attend a homebuyer education class and pre-purchase counseling.


City of Chula Vista
Available Assistance Deferred-payment Loan: Up to 22% of the purchase price—not to exceed $120,000—for down payment and closing costs
Interest Rate 3% Simple Interest
Income Limit 80% of San Diego’s Area Median Income
Maximum Purchase Price Attached: $698,000
Detached: $698,000
Effective September 2024
Funding Availability
(as of March 1, 2025)
Funds Available
Additional Information Program Guidelines
Additional Terms No payments are required for 30 years, unless the owner sells or no longer occupies the home as a primary residence, at which time the principal balance, including accrued interest, must be repaid.

To qualify, the buyer must obtain a fixed-rate first trust deed loan; have adequate income, a good credit rating; and provide a minimum down payment of 3 percent. Applicants also must attend a homebuyer education class and pre-purchase counseling.


City of El Cajon
Available Assistance Deferred-payment Loan: Up to 25% of the purchase price—not to exceed $150,000 for single-family homes and townhomes OR $100,000 for condominiums—for down payment and closing costs
Interest Rate Shared Equity
(see Program Guidelines)
Income Limit 80% of San Diego’s Area Median Income
Maximum Purchase Price Attached: $698,000
Detached: $698,000
Effective September 2024
Funding Availability
(as of March 1, 2025)
Funds Available
Additional Information Program Guidelines
Additional Terms No payments are required for 30 years, unless the owner sells or no longer occupies the home as a primary residence, at which time the principal balance, including accrued interest, must be repaid.

To qualify, the buyer must obtain a fixed-rate first trust deed loan; have adequate income, a good credit rating; and provide a minimum down payment of 2 percent. Applicants also must attend a homebuyer education class and pre-purchase counseling.


Forms & Documents

City of San Diego Guidelines (Low-Income, <80% AMI)

City of San Diego Guidelines (Middle-Income, 80% to 150% AMI)

County of San Diego Guidelines (Low-Income, 80% AMI)

County of San Diego Guidelines (Moderate-Income, 80% to 120% AMI)

City of Chula Vista Guidelines

City of El Cajon Guidelines

Area Median Income Chart

FTHB Program Summary Chart

Approved Home Inspectors

Homebuyer Education and Pre-Purchase Counseling Providers

Participating Lenders


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