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Available Development Funds

Developers leverage funds administered by the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) with several other funding sources to create and preserve affordable housing.

Developers may apply for funds through a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) issued by SDHC.

Funding sources for SDHC’s affordable housing development investments vary and may include, but are not limited to:

  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds awarded to the City of San Diego and administered by SDHC
  • City of San Diego Affordable Housing Fund, which SDHC administers and consists of Housing Impact Fees charged on commercial developments (also known as Linkage Fees) and Inclusionary Housing Fees charged on residential developments

If you have questions about a development NOFA, please contact Maurcell Gresham by email at

How to Access an SDHC Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

NOFAs are accessible through SDHC’s Vendor Portal on PlanetBids. Developers who wish to receive free notifications regarding NOFAs and download SDHC’s current NOFAs should register on the SDHC Vendor Portal with PlanetBids.

To access SDHC’s NOFAs, along with other solicitations, developers need to create a new profile and register specifically for SDHC, even if they already are registered with another public agency that uses PlanetBids or previously have accessed SDHC solicitations through the City of San Diego’s PlanetBids portal.


Fiscal Year 2024 Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA)

Affordable Housing NOFA-24-02 SDHC is reissuing its NOFA on October 12, 2023, to make up to $19 million and up to 29 Non-PSH vouchers available to create affordable rental housing for San Diegans with low income. These funds will be awarded to developments that create rental housing units that are affordable for San Diegans with income up to 60 percent of San Diego’s Area Median Income (AMI), currently $82,680 for a family of four. Potential sources of funds for this NOFA include the City of San Diego Affordable Housing Fund and HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awards to the City of San Diego, which SDHC administers.

The application period closes on November 14, 2023, at 1 p.m. For information about the online NOFA Application, visit the SDHC Vendor Portal on PlanetBids.

Permanent Supportive Housing NOFA-24-01

SDHC is reissuing its NOFA on October 12 , 2023, to make up to $10,691,200 and up to 100 Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) vouchers and up to 9 PSH Project Based vouchers available to create affordable rental housing with supportive services for San Diegans experiencing homelessness, sometimes referred to as permanent supportive housing. The VASH vouchers are project-based, which means they are tied to the development to which they are awarded. When a resident moves on, the voucher remains with the unit to assist another veteran experiencing homelessness. VASH vouchers are a partnership among SDHC, HUD and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). With HUD funding, SDHC helps pay rent for veterans experiencing homelessness to reside in a rental home of their own. The VA San Diego Healthcare System provides clinical health and case management services to VASH participants. These vouchers are permanent supportive housing and must be matched to projects through the Coordinated Entry System managed by the Regional Task Force on Homelessness. Potential sources of funds for this NOFA also include the City of San Diego Affordable Housing Fund and HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds that HUD awards to the City of San Diego, which SDHC administers.

The application period closes on November 14, 2023, at 1 p.m. For information about the online NOFA Application, visit the SDHC Vendor Portal on PlanetBids.

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