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Housing Authority Meetings

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December 12, 2000

Agenda 542Minutes

HCR00-110 – Funding for Short-Term Transitional Housing Facility for Families (Council District 3)

HAR00-008 – Authorization to Accept the Resident Opportunity and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) and the Multifamily Drug Elimination Grants, and to Revise the FY 2001 Budget (Council Districts 1,3,4,8)

HCR00-112 – Funding for the FY 2001 Winter Shelter Program for the Homeless

HCR00-109 – Loan to Bayview Community Development Corporation for the Acquisition and Rehabilitation of 1440-1516 South 40th Street

HCR00-111 – Loan To The Related Companies, LLC and Wakeland Housing and Development Corp. for Vista Terrace (Council District 8)

November 14, 2000

Agenda 540 Minutes 

HCR00-094 – Application for Mortgage Credit Certificate Allocation

HCR00-099 – Loan to St. Vincent De Paul Management, Inc., For Construction of the Emporium Apartments (Council District 8)

HCR00-097 – Loan to City Heights Community Development Corporation for the Acquisition and Rehabilitation of 4048-4064 1/2 48th Street (District 7)

HCR00-088 – Revision to Housing Commission Conflict of Interest Policy (Citywide)

October 24, 2000

Agenda 539 – Meeting cancelled.

October 3, 2000

Agenda 538 

HCR00-075 – Housing Trust Fund Transitional Housing Operations Grant to The Salvation Army (Council District 2)

HAR00-001 – Supportive Housing Program Sponsor Contract & Budget Amendment for Safe Havens

September 19, 2000

Agenda 537 – Meeting cancelled.

August 15, 2000

Agenda 536  Minutes

HAR00-006 – Housing Trust Fund Transitional Housing Grant to the YWCA of San Diego County, Inc. (City Council District 2)

HCR00-047 – Revisions to Procurement Policies

August 1, 2000

Agenda 535 – Meeting cancelled.

July 18, 2000

Agenda 534 Minutes

HCR00-068 – Contract for Removal and Replacement of Cabinetry and Countertops at 2005-2065 Alaquinas Drive (Council District 8)

June 27, 2000

Agenda 533  Minutes

HAR00-005 – Housing Trust Fund Transitional Housing Grant to St. Vincent de Paul Village Inc. Family Living Center (City Council District 8)

HCR00-050 – Housing Trust Fund Transitional Housing Grants (City Council Districts 2,3,6,8)

HCR00-058 – FY01 Employee Compensation, Benefits & Policies

June 6, 2000

Agenda 532 Minutes

HCR00-048 – Issuance of Housing Revenue Bonds (Council districts 1,4,6 and 8)

HCR00-057– Increase in Development Loan for Vista Verde (Council District 8)

HCR00-043 – Proposed Shared Equity Demonstration Program for Newly Constructed Homeownership Developments (Citywide)

HCR00-004 – Proposed Fiscal Year 2001 Budget

HCR00-024 – Rehabilitation of La Jolla Marine Apartments (Council District 1)

May 16, 2000

Agenda 531 Minutes

HCR00-019 – Revocable Grant to TACHS Property Development for the Rehabilitation and New Construction of Reese Village, a 19-unit Special Purpose Housing Facility (Council District 7)

HCR00-037 – Request for Revision to the Terms and Conditions for the Acquisition and Rehabilitation of 3810 Winona Avenue (Citywide)

HCR00-042 – Palm Terrace Apartments (previously known as Palm Vista Apartments) ( Council District 8)

April 18, 2000

Agenda 530 Minutes 

HAR00-002 – Contract for Pathfinders Shelter Plus Care II (Citywide)

HCR00-030 – Five Year and Agency Plans (Citywide)

March 14, 2000

Agenda 529 Minutes

HCR00-022 – Authorization to Renew Lease of Offices at Gateway Center (Council District 4)

HCR00-026 – NeighborhoodWORKS Contract Revisions (Council Districts 3,4,8)

February 22, 2000

Agenda 528 Minutes

HCR00-011 – Issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds for the Acquisition and Rehabilitation of the Regency Center Apartments (Council District 4)

HCR00-010 – Revised – Revocable Grant to Mercy Gardens Inc. for the Acquisition and Rehabilitation of a 23-unit Facility for Persons with AIDS (Council District 2)

February 8, 2000

Agenda 527 Minutes 

HCR99-131 – Additional Funding for the 1999/2000 Winter Shelter Proggram for the Homeless (Citywide)

HCR00-007 – Loans to Fairfield Residential for the Acquisition and Rehabilitation of Penasquitos Gardens and Mount Aguilar Apartments (Council Districts 1&6)

January 18, 2000

Agenda 526 – Meeting cancelled